Posted by Niche Recruitment
29th May 2019
6 Top Tips On How To Beat That ‘Lack of Experience’ Label
Not having any experience is a real Catch-22 and often feels like a hopeless circle. You can’t get a job because you have no experience, but you have no experience because you can’t seem to get a job (waah!). This can often feel like a huge disadvantage before you’ve even walked through the door at an interview, however, there is hope and Niche Recruitment are here to help! We’ve put together our top tips on how to nail an interview EVEN when you lack experience…
- Be confident – Confidence (in the right amount) is crucial in an interview. However, it is even more so when you’re fighting the lack of experience battle. If you’ve made it to the interview stage, it’s unlikely that your experience, or lack of, is a deal-breaker for your potential new employer at this point.
- Be prepared – Do your homework. Spend time analysing the role you’re going forward for and all the requirements of the job specification so you’re familiar with every aspect. It’s also a good idea to match your skillset to each requirement. Draw upon voluntary or extracurricular activities you’ve completed over the years!
- Stand out on social media – but for all the right reasons – be careful with this one! It’s important to use your social media platforms as a way of increasing your social presence; interacting with the company you’re interested in working for is a great way to do this. Why not share the company’s blog post or join in discussion posts by commenting? Whether it’s the Marketing Intern or Head of Marketing managing the page, it’s a good way to get your name recognised! It’s a soft introduction and a brilliant way to show your passion and enthusiasm. LinkedIn and Twitter are the perfect professional platforms for this.
- Focus on the positive – if you’re coming up against the lack of experience label time and time again it can be frustrating and it’s absolutely normal to feel de-motivated by it. No matter how negative you feel on the day of your interview, it is important not to let it show. A positive, friendly, attitude goes a long way and won’t go unnoticed!
- Keep learning – Show you’re eager to learn and demonstrate your proactiveness! There are endless online courses available and many of them are free so make sure you take full advantage.
- Be honest – we can’t stress enough that honesty is the best policy. If you get to an interview and think the role is completely out of your comfort zone and it’s something that, even with training, you won’t be able to pick up quickly – just be honest with your interviewers. Employers really admire people how are transparent and you never know, they may have another role you’d be a good fit for.
If you’ve recently graduated and can understand the frustration of not having ‘enough experience’, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with Michelle, our lovely Director, to have a chat and see how she can help… Contact Michelle on 01793 230469, or drop her an email to
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Remember… “Pay people on the value they can bring, not on the number of years of experience they have“.